reinventing how you do it
Get rid of old work methods and mindsets
Delivering services to customers profitably has become a defining challenge for businesses today.
How are you managing?
Let us help you reengineer your business- & operating models, and business processes.
Customers do not just expect more for less; they are fickle and will increasingly change brands for a better user experience.
To survive in a rapidly changing world, incremental change will not always be enough.
Re-engineering is about reinventing what you do, and how you do it. It is not evolutionary but revolutionary – it is about starting from a zero base, a blank page, and reimagining what you do, and how you do it.
Most of the companies that are leading the charge, and bringing about change, did not exist one or two decades ago. Today’s success does not guarantee success tomorrow.
We will help you from the design, through the change and the implementation to re-engineer for a rapidly changing world.
We Are Your Trusted Hands-on Partner
we re-engineer
Business process re-engineering (BPR) aims to redesign your way of working in a radically new way, rather than incrementally improving it.
Reimaging, and leveraging technology as an enabler, allows us to analyse existing processes, seek inefficiencies, and redundant activities, to recommend new re-engineered processes. BPR is an alternative to business process management (BPM) that involves incremental change or the automation of existing processes.
BPR is not downsizing, restructuring, re-organising, cost-cutting, or automation in a different guise.
We help your IT team shift from efficiency to value.
The key to unlocking your business’s value, is understanding its level of maturity and culture. Fundamental to this, is the maturity of the IT function, and its ability to support the strategic objectives and business operations. It is not possible to take a business that has an insufficient level of maturity to full maturity rapidly. Many businesses, regularly, try to do just that with very predictable and tragic results.
Using COBIT and ITIL assessments, we can review and assess the current state, the maturity, and the maturity capability gap of your IT function.
Getting everyone on the same page and pulling in the same direction is key to success.
Our team takes complex information and communicates it in an accessible, clear, visually appealing way, ensuring the most important information is conveyed to the appropriate audience.
Great businesses use financial models to guide their financial planning and strategic decision-making. How can you understand, design, and build your business and operating model if you don’t know what your financial model is?
We help customer improve, helping them to re-engineer their financial models for sustainable growth and profitability.
To ensure sustainability, growth, better decision-making, and efficiency, businesses should integrate and organise their People and Processes into a logical structure.
Incremental changes to de-layer the organisation structure, rarely results in lasting value or sustainable structural change.
Based on the strengths and opportunities, specific to each business, we design an efficient operating model and organisational structure by:
- aligning the desired strategic outcomes,
- ensuring accountability,
- enabling collaboration, and
- addressing barriers to behavior change within the business.
Industry 4.0 is upon us, and together with COVID-19, has forced businesses to rapidly digitise, change, and introduce new hybrid working models.
The impact of disruptive technologies and shifting to the cloud is stretching current IT operating models. An IT operating model spans the whole IT lifecycle from the IT strategy, architecture, demand- and supply management, to infrastructure, and support services.
We help IT functions evolve, ensuring that their operating models meet the varied challenges of an interconnected world that is rapidly changing.
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Let’s meet over a cup of coffee, discuss the challenges you face and how we can help.